We have been hitting every house through out District 10 to let voters know what we want to do in our campaign. There has been a lot of positive response from voters based off what our goals are.
More importantly I have gotten to hear what they want to see happen within the district. I truly believe you must communicate with the voters face to face in order to find out what progressive moments need to happen in order to keep the community safe and happy. I have met a lot of
new residents within the district that have their own opinion's of how things are going. They also have a lot of questions that I am able to help answer.
We have been placing signs out to every one of our supporters all over district 10. We have
them in many businesses through Goodlettsville and Joelton to help push awareness for our campaign.
Our past events have went very well as far as engaging the district 10 residents with information about our campaign and the goals we have in mind. We have collected donations at every event and are very grateful for them. We are still raising funds continue our efforts toward winning the election come this August. If you would like to donate, you can do so through the website or contacting my team directly at info@jenniferfrensleywebb.com and we can help assist you. The donations have been spent on advertising, campaign apparel, signs, and event organization.
Thank you to everyone for the Support